Source code for cantools.database.can.message

# A CAN message.

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (

from ...typechecking import (
from ..errors import DecodeError, EncodeError, Error
from ..namedsignalvalue import NamedSignalValue
from ..utils import (
from .signal import Signal
from .signal_group import SignalGroup

    from .formats.arxml import AutosarMessageSpecifics
    from .formats.dbc import DbcSpecifics

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Message: """A CAN message with frame id, comment, signals and other information. If `strict` is ``True`` an exception is raised if any signals are overlapping or if they don't fit in the message. By default signals are sorted by their start bit when their Message object is created. If you don't want them to be sorted pass `sort_signals = None`. If you want the signals to be sorted in another way pass something like `sort_signals = lambda signals: list(sorted(signals, key=lambda sig:` """ def __init__(self, frame_id: int, name: str, length: int, signals: List[Signal], # if the message is a container message, this lists # the messages which it potentially features contained_messages: Optional[List['Message']] = None, # header ID of message if it is part of a container message header_id: Optional[int] = None, header_byte_order: str = 'big_endian', unused_bit_pattern: int = 0x00, comment: Optional[Union[str, Comments]] = None, senders: Optional[List[str]] = None, send_type: Optional[str] = None, cycle_time: Optional[int] = None, dbc_specifics: Optional['DbcSpecifics'] = None, autosar_specifics: Optional['AutosarMessageSpecifics'] = None, is_extended_frame: bool = False, is_fd: bool = False, bus_name: Optional[str] = None, signal_groups: Optional[List[SignalGroup]] = None, strict: bool = True, protocol: Optional[str] = None, sort_signals: type_sort_signals = sort_signals_by_start_bit, ) -> None: frame_id_bit_length = frame_id.bit_length() if is_extended_frame: if frame_id_bit_length > 29: raise Error( f'Extended frame id 0x{frame_id:x} is more than 29 bits in ' f'message {name}.') elif frame_id_bit_length > 11: raise Error( f'Standard frame id 0x{frame_id:x} is more than 11 bits in ' f'message {name}.') self._frame_id = frame_id self._header_id = header_id self._header_byte_order = header_byte_order self._is_extended_frame = is_extended_frame self._is_fd = is_fd self._name = name self._length = length self._unused_bit_pattern = unused_bit_pattern if sort_signals == SORT_SIGNALS_DEFAULT: self._signals = sort_signals_by_start_bit(signals) elif callable(sort_signals): self._signals = sort_signals(signals) else: self._signals = signals self._signal_dict: Dict[str, Signal] = {} self._contained_messages = contained_messages # if the 'comment' argument is a string, we assume that is an # english comment. this is slightly hacky because the # function's behavior depends on the type of the passed # argument, but it is quite convenient... self._comments: Optional[Comments] if isinstance(comment, str): # use the first comment in the dictionary as "The" comment self._comments = {None: comment} else: # assume that we have either no comment at all or a # multi-lingual dictionary self._comments = comment self._senders = senders if senders else [] self._send_type = send_type self._cycle_time = cycle_time self._dbc = dbc_specifics self._autosar = autosar_specifics self._bus_name = bus_name self._signal_groups = signal_groups self._codecs: Optional[Codec] = None self._signal_tree: Optional[List[Union[str, List[str]]]] = None self._strict = strict self._protocol = protocol self.refresh() def _create_codec(self, parent_signal: Optional[str] = None, multiplexer_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Codec: """Create a codec of all signals with given parent signal. This is a recursive function. """ signals = [] multiplexers: Dict[str, Dict[int, Codec]] = {} # Find all signals matching given parent signal name and given # multiplexer id. Root signals' parent and multiplexer id are # both None. for signal in self._signals: if signal.multiplexer_signal != parent_signal: continue if ( multiplexer_id is not None and (signal.multiplexer_ids is None or multiplexer_id not in signal.multiplexer_ids) ): continue if signal.is_multiplexer: children_ids: Set[int] = set() for s in self._signals: if s.multiplexer_signal != continue if s.multiplexer_ids is not None: children_ids.update(s.multiplexer_ids) # Some CAN messages will have muxes containing only # the multiplexer and no additional signals. At Tesla # these are indicated in advance by assigning them an # enumeration. Here we ensure that any named # multiplexer is included, even if it has no child # signals. if signal.conversion.choices: children_ids.update(signal.conversion.choices.keys()) for child_id in children_ids: codec = self._create_codec(, child_id) if not in multiplexers: multiplexers[] = {} multiplexers[][child_id] = codec signals.append(signal) return { 'signals': signals, 'formats': create_encode_decode_formats(signals, self._length), 'multiplexers': multiplexers } def _create_signal_tree(self, codec): """Create a multiplexing tree node of given codec. This is a recursive function. """ nodes = [] for signal in codec['signals']: multiplexers = codec['multiplexers'] if in multiplexers: node = { { mux: self._create_signal_tree(mux_codec) for mux, mux_codec in multiplexers[].items() } } else: node = nodes.append(node) return nodes @property def header_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """The header ID of the message if it is part of a container message. """ return self._header_id @header_id.setter def header_id(self, value: int) -> None: self._header_id = value @property def header_byte_order(self) -> str: """The byte order of the header ID of the message if it is part of a container message. """ return self._header_byte_order @header_byte_order.setter def header_byte_order(self, value: str) -> None: self._header_byte_order = value @property def frame_id(self) -> int: """The message frame id. """ return self._frame_id @frame_id.setter def frame_id(self, value: int) -> None: self._frame_id = value @property def is_extended_frame(self) -> bool: """``True`` if the message is an extended frame, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._is_extended_frame @is_extended_frame.setter def is_extended_frame(self, value: bool) -> None: self._is_extended_frame = value @property def is_fd(self): """``True`` if the message requires CAN-FD, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._is_fd @is_fd.setter def is_fd(self, value): self._is_fd = value @property def name(self) -> str: """The message name as a string. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: self._name = value @property def length(self) -> int: """The message data length in bytes. """ return self._length @length.setter def length(self, value: int) -> None: self._length = value @property def signals(self) -> List[Signal]: """A list of all signals in the message. """ return self._signals @property def is_container(self) -> bool: """Returns if the message is a container message """ return self._contained_messages is not None @property def contained_messages(self) -> Optional[List['Message']]: """The list of messages potentially contained within this message """ return self._contained_messages @property def unused_bit_pattern(self) -> int: """The pattern used for unused bits of a message. This prevents undefined behaviour and/or information leaks when encoding messages. """ return self._unused_bit_pattern @unused_bit_pattern.setter def unused_bit_pattern(self, value): if value < 0 or value > 255:'Invalid unused bit pattern "{value}". Must be ' f'an integer between 0 and 255') self._unused_bit_pattern = 0 return self._unused_bit_pattern = value @property def signal_groups(self) -> Optional[List[SignalGroup]]: """A list of all signal groups in the message. """ return self._signal_groups @signal_groups.setter def signal_groups(self, value: List[SignalGroup]) -> None: self._signal_groups = value @property def comment(self) -> Optional[str]: """The message comment, or ``None`` if unavailable. Note that we implicitly try to return the English comment if multiple languages were specified. """ if self._comments is None: return None elif self._comments.get(None) is not None: return self._comments.get(None) elif self._comments.get('FOR-ALL') is not None: return self._comments.get('FOR-ALL') return self._comments.get('EN') @comment.setter def comment(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None: if value is None: self._comments = None else: self._comments = {None: value} @property def comments(self): """The dictionary with the descriptions of the message in multiple languages. ``None`` if unavailable. """ return self._comments @comments.setter def comments(self, value): self._comments = value @property def senders(self) -> List[str]: """A list of all sender nodes of this message. """ return self._senders @property def receivers(self) -> Set[str]: """A set of all receiver nodes of this message. This is equivalent to the set of nodes which receive at least one of the signals contained in the message. """ result = set() for sig in self.signals: if sig.receivers is not None: result.update(sig.receivers) if self.is_container: assert self.contained_messages is not None for cmsg in self.contained_messages: for sig in cmsg.signals: if sig.receivers is not None: result.update(sig.receivers) return result @property def send_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """The message send type, or ``None`` if unavailable. """ return self._send_type @property def cycle_time(self) -> Optional[int]: """The message cycle time, or ``None`` if unavailable. """ return self._cycle_time @cycle_time.setter def cycle_time(self, value: Optional[int]) -> None: self._cycle_time = value @property def dbc(self) -> Optional['DbcSpecifics']: """An object containing dbc specific properties like e.g. attributes. """ return self._dbc @dbc.setter def dbc(self, value: Optional['DbcSpecifics']) -> None: self._dbc = value @property def autosar(self) -> Optional['AutosarMessageSpecifics']: """An object containing AUTOSAR specific properties e.g. auxiliary data required to implement CRCs, secure on-board communication (secOC) or container messages. """ return self._autosar @autosar.setter def autosar(self, value: Optional['AutosarMessageSpecifics']) -> None: self._autosar = value @property def bus_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """The message bus name, or ``None`` if unavailable. """ return self._bus_name @bus_name.setter def bus_name(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None: self._bus_name = value @property def protocol(self) -> Optional[str]: """The message protocol, or ``None`` if unavailable. Only one protocol is currently supported; ``'j1939'``. """ return self._protocol @protocol.setter def protocol(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None: self._protocol = value @property def signal_tree(self): """All signal names and multiplexer ids as a tree. Multiplexer signals are dictionaries, while other signals are strings. >>> foo = db.get_message_by_name('Foo') >>> foo.signal_tree ['Bar', 'Fum'] >>> bar = db.get_message_by_name('Bar') >>> bar.signal_tree [{'A': {0: ['C', 'D'], 1: ['E']}}, 'B'] """ return self._signal_tree
[docs] def gather_signals(self, input_data: SignalMappingType, node: Optional[Codec] = None) \ -> SignalDictType: '''Given a superset of all signals required to encode the message, return a dictionary containing exactly the ones required. If a required signal is missing from the input dictionary, a ``EncodeError`` exception is raised. ''' if node is None: node = self._codecs assert node is not None result = {} for signal in node['signals']: val = input_data.get( if val is None: raise EncodeError(f'The signal "{}" is ' f'required for encoding.') result[] = val for mux_signal_name, mux_nodes in node['multiplexers'].items(): mux_num = self._get_mux_number(input_data, mux_signal_name) mux_node = mux_nodes.get(mux_num) if mux_num is None or mux_node is None: multiplexers = node['multiplexers'] try: expected_str = \ f'Expected one of {{' \ f'{format_or(list(multiplexers[mux_signal_name].keys()))}' \ f'}}, but ' except KeyError: expected_str = '' raise EncodeError(f'A valid value for the multiplexer selector ' f'signal "{mux_signal_name}" is required: ' f'{expected_str}' f'got {input_data[mux_signal_name]}') result.update(self.gather_signals(input_data, mux_node)) return result
[docs] def gather_container(self, contained_messages: List[ContainerHeaderSpecType], signal_values: SignalMappingType) \ -> ContainerDecodeResultType: '''Given a superset of all messages required to encode all messages featured by a container message, return a list of (Message, SignalDict) tuples that can be passed to ``encode()``. If a required signal is missing from the input dictionary, a ``EncodeError`` exception is raised. ''' result: ContainerDecodeResultListType = [] for header in contained_messages: contained_message = None if isinstance(header, str): contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_name(header) elif isinstance(header, Message): # contained message is specified directly. We go once # around the circle to ensure that a contained message # with the given header ID is there. header_id = header.header_id assert header_id is not None contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(header_id) elif isinstance(header, int): # contained message is specified directly. We go once # around the circle to ensure that a contained message # with the given header ID is there. contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(header) if contained_message is None: raise EncodeError(f'Cannot determine contained message ' f'associated with "{header}"') contained_signals = contained_message.gather_signals(signal_values) result.append( (contained_message, contained_signals) ) return result
[docs] def assert_signals_encodable(self, input_data: SignalMappingType, scaling: bool, assert_values_valid: bool = True, assert_all_known: bool = True) \ -> None: '''Given a dictionary of signal name to signal value mappings, ensure that all the signals required for encoding are present As a minimum, all signals required to encode the message need to be specified. If they are not, a ``KeyError`` or an ``EncodeError`` exception is raised. Depending on the parameters specified, the data of the dictionary must adhere to additonal requirements: :param scaling: If ``False`` no scaling of signals is performed. :param assert_values_valid: If ``True``, the values of all specified signals must be valid/encodable. If at least one is not, an ``EncodeError`` exception is raised. (Note that the values of multiplexer selector signals must always be valid!) :param assert_all_known: If ``True``, all specified signals must be used by the encoding operation or an ``EncodeError`` exception is raised. This is useful to prevent typos. ''' # this method only deals with ordinary messages if self.is_container: raise EncodeError(f'Message "{}" is a container') # This type checking is not really comprehensive and is # superfluous if the type hints are respected by the calling # code. That said, it guards against accidentally passing # non-dictionary objects such as lists of (Message, # SignalDict) tuples expected by container messages... if not isinstance(input_data, dict): raise EncodeError(f'Input data for encoding message "{}" ' f'must be a SignalDict') used_signals = self.gather_signals(input_data) if assert_all_known and set(used_signals) != set(input_data): raise EncodeError(f'The following signals were specified but are ' f'not required to encode the message:' f'{set(input_data) - set(used_signals)}') if assert_values_valid: self._assert_signal_values_valid(used_signals, scaling)
[docs] def assert_container_encodable(self, input_data: ContainerEncodeInputType, scaling: bool, assert_values_valid: bool = True, assert_all_known: bool = True) \ -> None: """ This method is identical to ``assert_signals_encodable()`` except that it is concerned with container messages. """ # this method only deals with container messages if not self.is_container: raise EncodeError(f'Message "{}" is not a container') # This type checking is not really comprehensive and is # superfluous if the type hints are respected by the calling # code. That said it guards against accidentially passing a # SignalDict for normal messages... if not isinstance(input_data, list): raise EncodeError(f'Input data for encoding message "{}" ' f'must be a list of (Message, SignalDict) tuples') for header, payload in input_data: if isinstance(header, int) and isinstance(payload, bytes): # contained message specified as raw data continue contained_message = None if isinstance(header, int): contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(header) elif isinstance(header, str): contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_name(header) elif isinstance(header, Message): hid = header.header_id if hid is None: raise EncodeError(f'Message {} cannot be part ' f'of a container because it does not ' f'exhibit a header ID') contained_message = self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(hid) if contained_message is None: raise EncodeError(f'Could not associate "{header}" with any ' f'contained message') if isinstance(payload, bytes): if len(payload) != contained_message.length: raise EncodeError(f'Payload for contained message ' f'"{}" is ' f'{len(payload)} instead of ' f'{contained_message.length} bytes long') else: contained_message.assert_signals_encodable(payload, scaling, assert_values_valid, assert_all_known)
def _get_mux_number(self, decoded: SignalMappingType, signal_name: str) -> int: mux = decoded[signal_name] if isinstance(mux, str) or isinstance(mux, NamedSignalValue): signal = self.get_signal_by_name(signal_name) try: mux = signal.conversion.choice_to_number(str(mux)) except KeyError: raise EncodeError() from None return int(mux) def _assert_signal_values_valid(self, data: SignalMappingType, scaling: bool) -> None: for signal_name, signal_value in data.items(): signal = self.get_signal_by_name(signal_name) if isinstance(signal_value, (str, NamedSignalValue)): # Check choices signal_value_num = signal.conversion.choice_to_number(str(signal_value)) if signal_value_num is None: raise EncodeError(f'Invalid value specified for signal ' f'"{}": "{signal_value}"') continue # retrieve the signal's scaled value to perform range check against minimum and maximum, # retrieve the signal's raw value to check if exists in value table if scaling: scaled_value = signal_value raw_value = signal.conversion.numeric_scaled_to_raw(scaled_value) else: scaled_value = cast( Union[int, float], signal.conversion.raw_to_scaled(raw_value=signal_value, decode_choices=False) ) raw_value = signal_value if signal.conversion.choices and raw_value in signal.conversion.choices: # skip range check if raw value exists in value table continue if signal.minimum is not None: if scaled_value < signal.minimum - abs(signal.conversion.scale)*1e-6: raise EncodeError( f'Expected signal "{}" value greater than ' f'or equal to {signal.minimum} in message "{}", ' f'but got {scaled_value}.') if signal.maximum is not None: if scaled_value > signal.maximum + abs(signal.conversion.scale)*1e-6: raise EncodeError( f'Expected signal "{}" value smaller than ' f'or equal to {signal.maximum} in message "{}", ' f'but got {scaled_value}.') def _encode(self, node: Codec, data: SignalMappingType, scaling: bool) -> Tuple[int, int, List[Signal]]: encoded = encode_data(data, node['signals'], node['formats'], scaling) padding_mask = node['formats'].padding_mask multiplexers = node['multiplexers'] all_signals = list(node['signals']) for signal in multiplexers: mux = self._get_mux_number(data, signal) try: node = multiplexers[signal][mux] except KeyError: raise EncodeError(f'Expected multiplexer id in ' f'{{{format_or(list(multiplexers[signal].keys()))}}}, ' f'for multiplexer "{signal}" ' f'but got {mux}') from None mux_encoded, mux_padding_mask, mux_signals = \ self._encode(node, data, scaling) all_signals.extend(mux_signals) encoded |= mux_encoded padding_mask &= mux_padding_mask return encoded, padding_mask, all_signals def _encode_container(self, data: ContainerEncodeInputType, scaling: bool, padding: bool) -> bytes: result = b"" for header, value in data: if isinstance(header, str): contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_name(header) elif isinstance(header, Message): # contained message is specified directly. We go once # around the circle to ensure that a contained message # with the given header ID is there. contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(header.header_id) # type: ignore elif isinstance(header, int): # contained message is specified directly. We go once # around the circle to ensure that a contained message # with the given header ID is there. contained_message = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(header) else: raise EncodeError(f'Could not determine message corresponding ' f'to header {header}') if contained_message is None: if isinstance(value, bytes) and isinstance(header, int): # the contained message was specified as raw data header_id = header else: raise EncodeError(f'No message corresponding to header ' f'{header} could be determined') else: assert contained_message.header_id is not None header_id = contained_message.header_id if isinstance(value, bytes): # raw data # produce a message if size of the blob does not # correspond to the size specified by the message # which it represents. if contained_message is not None and \ len(value) != contained_message.length:'Specified data for contained message ' f'{} is ' f'{len(value)} bytes instead of ' f'{contained_message.length} bytes') contained_payload = value elif isinstance(value, dict): # signal_name to signal_value dictionary assert contained_message is not None contained_payload = contained_message.encode(value, scaling, padding, strict=False) else: assert contained_message is not None raise EncodeError(f'Cannot encode payload for contained ' f'message "{}".') hbo = 'big' if self.header_byte_order == 'big_endian' else 'little' result += int.to_bytes(header_id, 3, hbo) # type: ignore result += int.to_bytes(len(contained_payload), 1, 'big') result += bytes(contained_payload) return result
[docs] def encode(self, data: EncodeInputType, scaling: bool = True, padding: bool = False, strict: bool = True, ) -> bytes: """Encode given data as a message of this type. If the message is an "ordinary" frame, this method expects a key-to-value dictionary as `data` which maps the name of every required signal to a value that can be encoded by that signal. If the current message is a container message, it expects a list of `(contained_message, contained_data)` tuples where `contained_message` is either an integer with the header ID, the name or the message object of the contained message. Similarly, the `contained_data` can either be specified as raw binary data (`bytes`) or as a key-to-value dictionary of every signal needed to encode the featured message. If `scaling` is ``False`` no scaling of signals is performed. If `padding` is ``True`` unused bits are encoded as 1. If `strict` is ``True`` the specified signals must exactly be the ones expected, and their values must be within their allowed ranges, or an `EncodeError` exception is raised. >>> foo = db.get_message_by_name('Foo') >>> foo.encode({'Bar': 1, 'Fum': 5.0}) b'\\x01\\x45\\x23\\x00\\x11' """ if self.is_container: if strict: if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): raise EncodeError(f'Container frames can only encode lists of ' f'(message, data) tuples') self.assert_container_encodable(data, scaling=scaling) return self._encode_container(cast(ContainerEncodeInputType, data), scaling, padding) if strict: # setting 'strict' to True is just a shortcut for calling # 'assert_signals_encodable()' using the strictest # settings. if not isinstance(data, dict): raise EncodeError(f'The payload for encoding non-container ' f'messages must be a signal name to ' f'signal value dictionary') self.assert_signals_encodable(data, scaling=scaling) if self._codecs is None: raise ValueError('Codec is not initialized.') encoded, padding_mask, all_signals = self._encode(self._codecs, cast(SignalMappingType, data), scaling) if padding: padding_pattern = int.from_bytes([self._unused_bit_pattern] * self._length, "big") encoded |= (padding_mask & padding_pattern) return encoded.to_bytes(self._length, "big")
def _decode(self, node: Codec, data: bytes, decode_choices: bool, scaling: bool, allow_truncated: bool, allow_excess: bool) -> SignalDictType: decoded = decode_data(data, self.length, node['signals'], node['formats'], decode_choices, scaling, allow_truncated, allow_excess) multiplexers = node['multiplexers'] for signal in multiplexers: if allow_truncated and signal not in decoded: continue mux = self._get_mux_number(decoded, signal) try: node = multiplexers[signal][mux] except KeyError: raise DecodeError('expected multiplexer id {}, but got {}'.format( format_or(list(multiplexers[signal].keys())), mux)) from None decoded.update(self._decode(node, data, decode_choices, scaling, allow_truncated, allow_excess)) return decoded
[docs] def unpack_container(self, data: bytes, allow_truncated: bool = False) \ -> ContainerUnpackResultType: """Unwrap the contents of a container message. This returns a list of ``(contained_message, contained_data)`` tuples, i.e., the data for the contained message are ``bytes`` objects, not decoded signal dictionaries. This is required for verifying the correctness of the end-to-end protection or the authenticity of a contained message. Note that ``contained_message`` is the header ID integer value if a contained message is unknown. Further, if something goes seriously wrong, a ``DecodeError`` is raised. """ if not self.is_container: raise DecodeError(f'Cannot unpack non-container message ' f'"{}"') if len(data) > self.length: raise DecodeError(f'Container message "{}" specified ' f'as exhibiting at most {self.length} but ' f'received a {len(data)} bytes long frame') result: ContainerUnpackListType = [] pos = 0 while pos < len(data): if pos + 4 > len(data): # TODO: better throw an exception? only warn in strict mode?'Malformed container message ' f'"{}" encountered while decoding: ' f'No valid header specified for contained ' f'message #{len(result)+1} starting at position ' f'{pos}. Ignoring.') return result contained_id = int.from_bytes(data[pos:pos+3], 'big') contained_len = data[pos+3] if pos + 4 + contained_len > len(data): if not allow_truncated: raise DecodeError(f'Malformed container message ' f'"{}": Contained message ' f'{len(result)+1} would exceed total ' f'message size.') else: contained_len = len(data) - pos - 4 contained_data = data[pos+4:pos+4+contained_len] contained_msg = \ self.get_contained_message_by_header_id(contained_id) pos += 4+contained_len if contained_msg is None: result.append((contained_id, bytes(contained_data))) else: result.append((contained_msg, bytes(contained_data))) return result
[docs] def decode(self, data: bytes, decode_choices: bool = True, scaling: bool = True, decode_containers: bool = False, allow_truncated: bool = False, allow_excess: bool = True, ) \ -> DecodeResultType: """Decode given data as a message of this type. If `decode_choices` is ``False`` scaled values are not converted to choice strings (if available). If `scaling` is ``False`` no scaling of signals is performed. >>> foo = db.get_message_by_name('Foo') >>> foo.decode(b'\\x01\\x45\\x23\\x00\\x11') {'Bar': 1, 'Fum': 5.0} If `decode_containers` is ``True``, the inner messages are decoded if the current message is a container frame. The reason why this needs to be explicitly enabled is that the result of `decode()` for container frames is a list of ``(header_id, signals_dict)`` tuples which might cause code that does not expect this to misbehave. Trying to decode a container message with `decode_containers` set to ``False`` will raise a `DecodeError`. If `allow_truncated` is ``True``, incomplete messages (i.e., ones where the received data is shorter than specified) will be partially decoded, i.e., all signals which are fully present in the received data will be decoded, and the remaining ones will be omitted. If 'allow_truncated` is set to ``False``, `DecodeError` will be raised when trying to decode incomplete messages. If `allow_excess` is ``True``, data that is are longer than the expected message length is decoded, else a `ValueError` is raised if such data is encountered. """ if decode_containers and self.is_container: return self.decode_container(data, decode_choices, scaling, allow_truncated, allow_excess) return self.decode_simple(data, decode_choices, scaling, allow_truncated, allow_excess)
[docs] def decode_simple(self, data: bytes, decode_choices: bool = True, scaling: bool = True, allow_truncated: bool = False, allow_excess: bool = True) \ -> SignalDictType: """Decode given data as a container message. This method is identical to ``decode()`` except that the message **must not** be a container. If the message is a container, an exception is raised. """ if self.is_container: raise DecodeError(f'Message "{}" is a container') elif self._codecs is None: raise ValueError('Codec is not initialized.') return self._decode(self._codecs, data, decode_choices, scaling, allow_truncated, allow_excess)
[docs] def decode_container(self, data: bytes, decode_choices: bool = True, scaling: bool = True, allow_truncated: bool = False, allow_excess: bool = True) \ -> ContainerDecodeResultType: """Decode given data as a container message. This method is identical to ``decode()`` except that the message **must** be a container. If the message is not a container, an exception is raised. """ if not self.is_container: raise DecodeError(f'Message "{}" is not a container') unpacked = self.unpack_container(data, allow_truncated) result: ContainerDecodeResultListType = [] for contained_message, contained_data in unpacked: if not isinstance(contained_message, Message): result.append((contained_message, bytes(contained_data))) continue try: decoded = contained_message.decode(contained_data, decode_choices, scaling, decode_containers=False, allow_truncated=allow_truncated, allow_excess=allow_excess) except (ValueError, DecodeError): result.append((contained_message, bytes(contained_data))) continue result.append((contained_message, decoded)) # type: ignore return result
def get_contained_message_by_header_id(self, header_id: int) \ -> Optional['Message']: if self.contained_messages is None: return None tmp = [ x for x in self.contained_messages if x.header_id == header_id ] if len(tmp) == 0: return None elif len(tmp) > 1: raise Error(f'Container message "{}" contains multiple ' f'contained messages exhibiting id 0x{header_id:x}') return tmp[0] def get_contained_message_by_name(self, name: str) \ -> Optional['Message']: if self.contained_messages is None: return None tmp = [ x for x in self.contained_messages if == name ] if len(tmp) == 0: return None elif len(tmp) > 1: raise Error(f'Container message "{}" contains multiple ' f'contained messages named "{name}"') return tmp[0] def get_signal_by_name(self, name: str) -> Signal: return self._signal_dict[name]
[docs] def is_multiplexed(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the message is multiplexed, otherwise ``False``. >>> foo = db.get_message_by_name('Foo') >>> foo.is_multiplexed() False >>> bar = db.get_message_by_name('Bar') >>> bar.is_multiplexed() True """ if self._codecs is None: raise ValueError('Codec is not initialized.') return bool(self._codecs['multiplexers'])
def _check_signal(self, message_bits, signal): signal_bits = signal.length * [] if signal.byte_order == 'big_endian': padding = start_bit(signal) * [None] signal_bits = padding + signal_bits else: signal_bits += signal.start * [None] if len(signal_bits) < len(message_bits): padding = (len(message_bits) - len(signal_bits)) * [None] reversed_signal_bits = padding + signal_bits else: reversed_signal_bits = signal_bits signal_bits = [] for i in range(0, len(reversed_signal_bits), 8): signal_bits = reversed_signal_bits[i:i + 8] + signal_bits # Check that the signal fits in the message. if len(signal_bits) > len(message_bits): raise Error(f'The signal {} does not fit in message {}.') # Check that the signal does not overlap with other # signals. for offset, signal_bit in enumerate(signal_bits): if signal_bit is not None: if message_bits[offset] is not None: raise Error( 'The signals {} and {} are overlapping in message {}.'.format(, message_bits[offset], message_bits[offset] = def _check_mux(self, message_bits, mux): signal_name, children = list(mux.items())[0] self._check_signal(message_bits, self.get_signal_by_name(signal_name)) children_message_bits = deepcopy(message_bits) for multiplexer_id in sorted(children): child_tree = children[multiplexer_id] child_message_bits = deepcopy(children_message_bits) self._check_signal_tree(child_message_bits, child_tree) for i, child_bit in enumerate(child_message_bits): if child_bit is not None: message_bits[i] = child_bit def _check_signal_tree(self, message_bits, signal_tree): for signal_name in signal_tree: if isinstance(signal_name, dict): self._check_mux(message_bits, signal_name) else: self._check_signal(message_bits, self.get_signal_by_name(signal_name)) def _check_signal_lengths(self): for signal in self._signals: if signal.length <= 0: raise Error( 'The signal {} length {} is not greater than 0 in ' 'message {}.'.format(, signal.length,
[docs] def refresh(self, strict: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: """Refresh the internal message state. If `strict` is ``True`` an exception is raised if any signals are overlapping or if they don't fit in the message. This argument overrides the value of the same argument passed to the constructor. """ self._check_signal_lengths() self._codecs = self._create_codec() self._signal_tree = self._create_signal_tree(self._codecs) self._signal_dict = { signal for signal in self._signals} if strict is None: strict = self._strict if strict: message_bits = 8 * self.length * [None] self._check_signal_tree(message_bits, self.signal_tree)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return \ f'message(' \ f"'{self._name}', " \ f'0x{self._frame_id:x}, ' \ f'{self._is_extended_frame}, '\ f'{self._length}, ' \ f'{self._comments})'