Source code for cantools.database

import os
from typing import MutableMapping, Optional, TextIO, Union, cast

import diskcache

from ..typechecking import StringPathLike
from . import can, diagnostics, utils

# Remove once less users are using the old package structure.
from .can import *  # noqa: F403
from .errors import Error, ParseError

[docs]class UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError(Error): """This exception is raised when :func:`~cantools.database.load_file()`, :func:`~cantools.database.load()` and :func:`~cantools.database.load_string()` are unable to parse given database file or string. """ def __init__(self, e_arxml, e_dbc, e_kcd, e_sym, e_cdd): message = [] if e_arxml is not None: message.append(f'ARXML: "{e_arxml}"') if e_dbc is not None: message.append(f'DBC: "{e_dbc}"') if e_kcd is not None: message.append(f'KCD: "{e_kcd}"') if e_sym is not None: message.append(f'SYM: "{e_sym}"') if e_cdd is not None: message.append(f'CDD: "{e_cdd}"') message = ', '.join(message) super().__init__(message) self.e_arxml = e_arxml self.e_dbc = e_dbc self.e_kcd = e_kcd self.e_sym = e_sym self.e_cdd = e_cdd
def _resolve_database_format_and_encoding(database_format, encoding, filename): if database_format is None: database_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower() if encoding is None: try: encoding = { 'dbc': 'cp1252', 'sym': 'cp1252' }[database_format] except KeyError: encoding = 'utf-8' return database_format, encoding def _load_file_cache(filename: StringPathLike, database_format: Optional[str], encoding: Optional[str], frame_id_mask: Optional[int], prune_choices: bool, strict: bool, cache_dir: str, sort_signals: utils.type_sort_signals, ) -> Union[can.Database, diagnostics.Database]: with open(filename, 'rb') as fin: key = cache: MutableMapping[bytes, Union[can.Database, diagnostics.Database]] with diskcache.Cache(cache_dir) as cache: try: return cache[key] except KeyError: with open(filename, encoding=encoding, errors='replace') as fin: database = load(cast(TextIO, fin), database_format, frame_id_mask, prune_choices, strict, sort_signals) cache[key] = database return database
[docs]def load_file(filename: StringPathLike, database_format: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, frame_id_mask: Optional[int] = None, prune_choices: bool = False, strict: bool = True, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, sort_signals: utils.type_sort_signals = utils.sort_signals_by_start_bit, ) -> Union[can.Database, diagnostics.Database]: """Open, read and parse given database file and return a :class:`can.Database<.can.Database>` or :class:`diagnostics.Database<.diagnostics.Database>` object with its contents. `database_format` is one of ``'arxml'``, ``'dbc'``, ``'kcd'``, ``'sym'``, ``cdd`` and ``None``. If ``None``, the database format is selected based on the filename extension as in the table below. Filename extensions are case insensitive. +-----------+-----------------+ | Extension | Database format | +===========+=================+ | .arxml | ``'arxml'`` | +-----------+-----------------+ | .dbc | ``'dbc'`` | +-----------+-----------------+ | .kcd | ``'kcd'`` | +-----------+-----------------+ | .sym | ``'sym'`` | +-----------+-----------------+ | .cdd | ``'cdd'`` | +-----------+-----------------+ | <unknown> | ``None`` | +-----------+-----------------+ `encoding` specifies the file encoding. If ``None``, the encoding is selected based on the database format as in the table below. Use ``open()`` and :func:`~cantools.database.load()` if platform dependent encoding is desired. +-----------------+-------------------+ | Database format | Default encoding | +=================+===================+ | ``'arxml'`` | ``'utf-8'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ | ``'dbc'`` | ``'cp1252'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ | ``'kcd'`` | ``'utf-8'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ | ``'sym'`` | ``'cp1252'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ | ``'cdd'`` | ``'utf-8'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ | ``None`` | ``'utf-8'`` | +-----------------+-------------------+ `prune_choices` abbreviates the names of choices by removing a common prefix ending on an underscore. If you want to have the original names you need to pass `prune_choices = False`. `cache_dir` specifies the database cache location in the file system. Give as ``None`` to disable the cache. By default the cache is disabled. The cache key is the contents of given file. Using a cache will significantly reduce the load time when reloading the same file. The cache directory is automatically created if it does not exist. Remove the cache directory `cache_dir` to clear the cache. See :func:`~cantools.database.load_string()` for descriptions of other arguments. Raises an :class:`~cantools.database.UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError` exception if given file does not contain a supported database format. >>> db = cantools.database.load_file('foo.dbc') >>> db.version '1.0' """ database_format, encoding = _resolve_database_format_and_encoding( database_format, encoding, filename) if cache_dir is None: with open(filename, encoding=encoding, errors='replace') as fin: return load(fin, database_format, frame_id_mask, prune_choices, strict, sort_signals) else: return _load_file_cache(filename, database_format, encoding, frame_id_mask, prune_choices, strict, cache_dir, sort_signals)
[docs]def dump_file(database, filename, database_format=None, encoding=None, sort_signals=utils.SORT_SIGNALS_DEFAULT): """Dump given database `database` to given file `filename`. Depending on the output file format signals may be sorted by default. If you don't want signals to be sorted pass `sort_signals=None`. `sort_signals=None` is assumed by default if you have passed `sort_signals=None` to load_file. If you want the signals to be sorted in a special way pass something like `sort_signals = lambda signals: list(sorted(signals, key=lambda sig:` For dbc files the default is to sort the signals by their start bit in descending order. For kcd files the default is to not sort the signals. See :func:`~cantools.database.load_file()` for descriptions of other arguments. The ``'dbc'`` database format will always have Windows-style line endings (``\\r\\n``). For other database formats the line ending depends on the operating system. >>> db = cantools.database.load_file('foo.dbc') >>> cantools.database.dump_file(db, 'bar.dbc') Pass `sort_signals=None, prune_choices=False` to load_file in order to minimize the differences between foo.dbc and bar.dbc. """ database_format, encoding = _resolve_database_format_and_encoding( database_format, encoding, filename) newline = None if database_format == 'dbc': output = database.as_dbc_string(sort_signals=sort_signals) newline = '' elif database_format == 'kcd': output = database.as_kcd_string(sort_signals=sort_signals) elif database_format == 'sym': output = database.as_sym_string(sort_signals=sort_signals) else: raise Error( f"Unsupported output database format '{database_format}'.") with open(filename, 'w', encoding=encoding, newline=newline, errors='replace') as fout: fout.write(output)
[docs]def load(fp: TextIO, database_format: Optional[str] = None, frame_id_mask: Optional[int] = None, prune_choices: bool = False, strict: bool = True, sort_signals: utils.type_sort_signals = utils.sort_signals_by_start_bit) -> Union[can.Database, diagnostics.Database]: """Read and parse given database file-like object and return a :class:`can.Database<.can.Database>` or :class:`diagnostics.Database<.diagnostics.Database>` object with its contents. See :func:`~cantools.database.load_string()` for descriptions of other arguments. Raises an :class:`~cantools.database.UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError` exception if given file-like object does not contain a supported database format. >>> with open('foo.kcd') as fin: ... db = cantools.database.load(fin) >>> db.version None """ return load_string(, database_format, frame_id_mask, prune_choices, strict, sort_signals)
[docs]def load_string(string: str, database_format: Optional[str] = None, frame_id_mask: Optional[int] = None, prune_choices: bool = False, strict: bool = True, sort_signals: utils.type_sort_signals = utils.sort_signals_by_start_bit) \ -> Union[can.Database, diagnostics.Database]: """Parse given database string and return a :class:`can.Database<.can.Database>` or :class:`diagnostics.Database<.diagnostics.Database>` object with its contents. `database_format` may be one of ``'arxml'``, ``'dbc'``, ``'kcd'``, ``'sym'``, ``'cdd'`` or ``None``, where ``None`` means transparent format. `prune_choices` is a bool indicating whether signal names are supposed to be abbreviated by stripping a common prefix ending on an underscore. This is enabled by default. See :class:`can.Database<.can.Database>` for a description of `strict`. `sort_signals` is a function taking a list of signals as argument and returning a list of signals. By default signals are sorted by their start bit when their Message object is created. If you don't want them to be sorted pass `sort_signals = None`. If you want the signals to be sorted in another way pass something like `sort_signals = lambda signals: list(sorted(signals, key=lambda sig:` Raises an :class:`~cantools.database.UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError` exception if given string does not contain a supported database format. >>> with open('foo.dbc') as fin: ... db = cantools.database.load_string( >>> db.version '1.0' """ if database_format not in ['arxml', 'dbc', 'kcd', 'sym', 'cdd', None]: raise ValueError( f"expected database format 'arxml', 'dbc', 'kcd', 'sym', 'cdd' or " f"None, but got '{database_format}'") e_arxml = None e_dbc = None e_kcd = None e_sym = None e_cdd = None def load_can_database(fmt: str) -> can.Database: db = can.Database(frame_id_mask=frame_id_mask, strict=strict, sort_signals=sort_signals) if fmt == 'arxml': db.add_arxml_string(string) elif fmt == 'dbc': db.add_dbc_string(string) elif fmt == 'kcd': db.add_kcd_string(string) elif fmt == 'sym': db.add_sym_string(string) if prune_choices: utils.prune_database_choices(db) return db if database_format in ['arxml', None]: try: return load_can_database('arxml') except Exception as e: e_arxml = e if database_format in ['dbc', None]: try: return load_can_database('dbc') except Exception as e: e_dbc = e if database_format in ['kcd', None]: try: return load_can_database('kcd') except Exception as e: e_kcd = e if database_format in ['sym', None]: try: return load_can_database('sym') except Exception as e: e_sym = e if database_format in ['cdd', None]: try: db = diagnostics.Database() db.add_cdd_string(string) return db except Exception as e: e_cdd = e if database_format is not None: # raise an error while keeping the traceback of the original # exception usable. note that for this we cannot auto-detect # the format because the probing mechanism raises an exception # for every single supported database format in this case exc = e_arxml or e_dbc or e_kcd or e_sym or e_cdd raise UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError(e_arxml, e_dbc, e_kcd, e_sym, e_cdd) from exc else: raise UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError(e_arxml, e_dbc, e_kcd, e_sym, e_cdd)